June 13, 2024
By Cybervergent Team

The Enemy Within: Protecting Your Business from Insider Attacks

With the increasing frequency of cyber breaches, our primary responsibility is often protecting our infrastructure, networks, and data against external threats such as hackers, scammers, and cyber-criminals but what about the threats that lurk within our very walls?
Yes, we're talking about insider attacks – a daunting challenge that demands our attention and action.

Think about insider threats like this: you lock your front door to keep the bad guys out, right? But what if someone inside has a copy of the key?

Insider Threat poses a significant challenge in safeguarding sensitive data and critical assets. According to research, between 2023 and 2024, there was a 28% increase in insider-driven data exposure, loss, leak, and theft  

A major Nigerian bank recently took legal action against an employee. This employee was able to steal customer money because they had the authority to approve transactions without any oversight.

This incident highlights a critical security gap: a lack of internal controls.

Financial institutions, like banks, need stronger safeguards to prevent similar situations. These safeguards could include Improved risk management & Enhanced fraud detection systems: These systems can help identify suspicious activity, like unauthorized transactions.

Insider threats pose a significant challenge in the financial services industry, and businesses must implement measures to mitigate not just external attacks but also threats from within. Key processes to enhance resilience against insider threats include:

Access Controls: Implementing granular access controls and least privilege principles restrict access to sensitive data and critical systems based on job roles and responsibilities. Regular reviews and updates of access permissions align with business requirements, minimizing unauthorized access risks.

Behavioral Analytics: Deploying advanced analytics tools monitors user behavior and detects anomalous activities indicative of potential insider threats. By establishing baselines of normal behavior, organizations can identify deviations and take prompt remedial action. 

Insider Threat Detection: Leveraging specialized solutions correlates disparate data sources to identify patterns and anomalies indicative of insider threats. Proactive monitoring of user activities, network traffic, and access logs enables organizations to detect and mitigate insider threats before escalation.


This is a threat that is HERE TO STAY